Vertice Capital Partners, LLC is a privately owned Registered Investment Advisory firm specializing in a combination of Traditional Asset Management and Alternative Investments. Through unyielding client fiduciary principles, our team will generate consistent, positive returns across all economic cycles, with a focus on risk mitigation.
Holding noncorrelated assets in your portfolio over the long term, can help you achieve a more efficient portfolio that can enhance total returns and lower portfolio risk. To do this, we choose broad based indices and equity baskets over stocks. The style employed by Vertice Capital Partners is a purist and traditional alternative investment approach, unlike other directional levered equity funds. Our task is to generate outsized returns while seeking to mitigate undue risk.
Serves to eliminate single stock event risk gaps.
Provides alpha diversification.
Eliminates management incompetency, asymmetric information, and improper accounting risk.
Not reliant on singular market segment network externalities.
Opportunistic Strategy Selection:
Constituent Mean Reversion
Strategy 1 with Quantitative algorithm
Relative Value Spreads - mean reversion
International ETF Arbitrage
ETF Relative Value expressed through Options
Option overlay on core spread strategy
ETF NAV Arbitrage into close via creation/redemption